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(From religious Prophecies-Center)


Prophecy about our time:

There will be a time where people determine in degrees the vitality of the steams in the water and they will hitch them up like the Arabs hitch up their horses, and they will use them for all kinds of incredibly heaviest labour. The vitality hidden in the water will also be hitched up to the heaviest carriages and people will ride in them as fast as a shot arrow. They will hitch up the vitality of the water to the big ships too. And it will drive the ships faster than a whirlwind across the water's waves, in the end the ships will even defy every storm and will sail through the storm's furious face without suffering any significant damage. But soon after that time it will start to look very bad for people's life on earth. For the earth will become more infertile, big rises in prices, wars, and famines will arise. And the light of belief in eternal truth will go out in many cases and the fire of love will die away and cool down. An then there will be the Last Judgement of Fire on earth! Happy the men who until then, haven't entirely vaporized their water of life merely for earthly gain. For when the big Judgement of Fire will come from heaven, it won't be able to do them harm, because their own water of life will protect them from it. Only after that will true peace of life and life's order by God join hands forever. And there won't be any more discord and quarrel among those, who will inhabit the cleansed earth in company of God's angels.


(CNo = 11; DPsy = about 1853; Dwp = January 7th 2002; N = Jakob Lorber)

(OC = This is a old prophecy from about 1853 made by the quite unknown prophet Jakob Lorber [1800-1864]. In a figurative language it foretells our time's technical progress, like steam engines and more improved and modern techniques. The prophet foretells inflation, coming wars and famines also. All came true. In the religious part he fortells the coming of the Last Judgement of fire. He advises to care more for the next life in the hereafter than for the life on earth and tells us that those following this advice would be the only ones surviving the Last Judgement of fire. At last the prophet predicts a peaceful time on earth when human beings live in direct contact with God's angels. This prophecy is an excerpt from the Great Gospel III, Chapter 33 written by Jakob Lorber and translated by a member. [All original books, about 30, are available in German, a part of them are translated to English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch.])



CNo = Collection Number for reference; DPsy = Date or Year when prophecy was told by psychic (according to psychic and if known); Dwp = Date when prophecy was first published on our website; N = Name or initials of psychic (if not anonymous or unknown); OC = Our Comment

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