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What is afterlife?

For those very few who have never heard about this term. Afterlife means that your life goes on in a different form after your death. You don't really die, you only leave your earth body at the time of your death.


Is there an afterlife?

This is one of the most important questions mankind is thinking about since its beginning. But in our modern time, with all our scientific knowledge, we don't know. One reason is that most people don't care much about what will happen to them, except when they are dying and then probably, they don't have time anymore to find out before they die. There are two additional main reasons. The biggest part of mankind nowadays doesn't believe that there is an afterlife, therefore why think about something that doesn't exist in their view. And the topic death is very repressed in our modern society. Nobody likes to talk about death, it's frightening.

But I will talk about this topic here and let you know the possibility of an afterlife and my opinion.


Is there any hint that afterlife really exists?

There are hints. In technical less advanced societies the belief in good and bad spirits is and was deeply founded. Is this belief only superstition or is behind it a higher reality?

In earlier centuries all western societies believed in God, angels, ghosts, devils and demons. Faith was incorporated in daily life and was an important part of it.

Two examples for religions with belief in an afterlife: In Tibetan Buddhism there is belief in demons as well and the dead were prepared with rituals for encounters with demons. They believe that the dead persons can still hear them and therefore are convinced of an afterlife. The Egyptian civilization was one of the greatest on earth. The ancient Egyptians built and used pyramids as monuments, embalmed their dead and sometimes sent the whole household into the hereafter. They prepared their dead in that way to secure a comfortable life in the hereafter. The Old ones believed in an afterlife in their own special way thousands of years ago.

Generally most ancient civilizations worldwide believed in one way or another in an afterlife and in ghosts. A definite sign for experiences acquired over long times and around the globe.

There are occurrences about apparitions of ghosts, and they aren't as rare as often believed, apparitions which are scientific not understandable. They show there is something beyond the visible world. There are cases of possession by demons, scientific inexplicable as well.

A separate topic are the Near-Death Experiences some people had while they were clinically dead for a short time, but could be reanimated. This may be a proof that we survive our death.

Out-of-the-body experiences conducted by people who can leave their living bodies by will, show there is evidence for an Astral Body or soul which will survive natural death.

Channel mediums which have contact with the spirits of the hereafter experience the existence of angels, ghosts and demons. It is personal proof for the existence of ghosts and an afterlife.


Modern hints for afterlife:

Parapsychology, the science of the paranormal, studied cases of paranormal activities, out-of-body experiences and ghost apparitions. There must be something to it, if a part of science is conducting researches of ghost apparitions also.

Our modern time has some advantages over former times. For example we have cassette recorders, cameras, film cameras, video cameras and all the digital equivalents like digital cameras and camcorders as newest technology. This equipment can be used to record voices and pictures of ghost activities. And there are very interesting recordings and movies like unexplainable pictures and movies of ghosts and other emanations (and of UFO's too) made by cameras and video cameras. Strange voices or sounds were recorded during absolute silence with very sensitive audio equipment. We have instruments for measurement of electromagnetism to perceive signals of ghost apparitions or other phenomena, and these instruments are also used to track down ghosts. These were some examples for what we can do nowadays. Other hitech equipment for researching the unknown is in development.

Some time ago there was an experiment, called the Delpasse-Experiment. As far as I remember it was conducted about 25 or more years ago, and the scientists tried to prove the existence of an afterlife. Their theory was, that there is a very, very, minimal weight difference between a living and a dead body, caused by the weight of the soul or caused by a special kind of matter which separates from the body and dissolves at the moment of death. They weighed their patients very exactly before and after death with special equipment. A difference in the body weight would have been proof for something leaving the body and for a surviving soul and an afterlife. They had a lot of trouble to be there in time at the moment of death of one of their patients to weigh him with their special instruments, which they had especially developed for their experiments. It was detected a weight difference before and after death. In the researcher's own view they had proven that afterlife exists.


Near-Death experiences as proof for an afterlife:

In more recent times there were experiments to examine Near-Death experiences. The doctors of a hospital hid something, only visible for an astral body, high above the operation table on a cupboard, without the knowledge of their patients. If the patients experienced a separation from their bodies during their dead phase and mentioned that they have seen the hidden object, then this would be a proof for the existence of an astral body and for an afterlife. At the time I researched their experiments, they were in an early stage of their researches and weren't very successful. Besides the early stage, reasons for this fact are: Not all patients could be reanimated, not all remembered their out-of-body experiences. Not all wanted to talk about it, and not all patients looked in the direction of the cupboard or remembered exactly what they had seen. Experiments, where patients described exactly what happened during the reanimation trials of their doctors, are the only cases which could serve as a proof for an afterlife till now.


Special studies with clinically dead and later reanimated persons:

The researches with clinically dead persons who have been reanimated, were just made possible with today's technology. One of the pioneers of these researches with children is Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Her studies are more important than those with adults, because children are much less biased. She conducted very interesting researches with children, who were clinically dead and then reanimated. She questioned them about their experiences during the time they were clinically dead. She described a lot of their experiences in her books. Many of her little patients went through tunnels with bright lights at the end or had encounters with angel like beings. They met animals which could talk to them as well. Like in cases with adults, some children could describe what happened in the real world during the period of time they were dead. Dr. Kubler- Ross's studies are a very strong indication for an afterlife, especially because children are more open and uncritical about what they experience. They don't immediately deny unexplainable experiences and accept them more easily. Their mind doesn't urge them to conventional thinking like the mind of most adults. Usually adults don't want to seem ridiculous either, that's why many interesting experiences are lost.

One example from another case: An about three year old girl told after her reanimation, that she had met a girl looking exactly like her in a beautiful place, and she had played with this girl for a while. The parents were very astonished, because their daughter didn't know that she had had a twin sister, who had died at the time of birth. This is quite a good proof for an afterlife, isn't it?.

Studies with adults show more often descriptions of what happened in the real world during their clinical death phase. The tunnel experience and the remembering of their whole lives, before they left their body, is also well documented. Generally, all esoteric researches with reanimated patients indicate with a very high probability that we survive our death.

And with the above-mentioned modern hints for an afterlife, I gave you an idea about the possibilities our technological progress brought for the research of the unknown, the paranormal and the afterlife.


*** Overview about afterlife in different assumed universes: ***

We have to separate two very distinct groups of universes. The first group I call the GOD-Universes and the second one the Dark-Matter-Universes. The difference between both universe groups is, that in the GOD-Universes a GOD like being or more GODs exist, and in the Dark-Matter-Universes there is no higher godlike intelligence or being but only nature.

I will present you an overview of the possibility of afterlife in both types of universes, Dark-Matter-Universes and the GOD-Universes. I selected for this cause some religions as examples, but without emphasizing any of them particularly.


** Afterlife in Dark-Matter-Universes: **

Let's now first examine the possibility of an afterlife in Dark-Matter-Universes. Neither God nor Gods exist in all these universes, but only nature and its physical laws. The only difference between these Nature-Universes is the difference between the physical laws which rule these universes. For a short example: Are we living in an ever expanding universe or in a collapsing one? The answer depends on physical laws. Scientists have developed different theories about which laws are the right ones. For my considerations I discuss the whole group of Dark-Matter-Universes at once.

Most scientists don't believe in an afterlife. Because our existence is founded only on physical laws of nature in this kind of universe and these laws don't support the theory of an afterlife. They deny any possibility of our further existence after death. What is dead stays dead. And I agree that the possibility for an afterlife in such a kind of a universe is very, very, very small. Nevertheless I think there could be a minimal chance that the laws of nature could also allow a further existence. This could be, if such laws existed which we haven't discovered till now. For example if you compare nowadays quantum mechanics and quantum field theory with former times pure classic mechanics and classic physics you will find a big difference. Today's theories wouldn't have found any belief in earlier times. One could say, today's physics are kind of esoteric (see the book 'Tao of Physics' by Fritjof Capra) or touch the esoteric side of the universe.

I personally don't believe in these types of strictly materialistically determined Dark-Matter-Universes, and with this chapter I only want to give you a hint, that generally, there might be a lot more possible, than today's scientist think, also in a pure Dark-Matter-Universe.


How long could we survive in a Dark-Matter-Universe?

Survival in such an universe is very unlikely. But if it were possible, the period of time we could survive depended on the type of Dark-Matter-Universe we lived in. When the universe collapses, we would survive only till the end of the universe. If the universe lasted forever, there were a chance we would too. If there were no afterlife in a Dark-Matter-Universe, at least our atoms would survive as long as the universe existed.


** Afterlife in GOD-Universes: **

In all these universes a GOD or higher Being exists, or many GODs or higher Beings exist, or a godlike Supernature-Essence exists. Because of the many possibilities I have to separate the GOD-Universe-Groups in at least two subcategories. The first subcategory I call the One-GOD-Universes and the second the Varied-Higher-Being-Universes. In order not to complicate things, I created only these two subcategories, although for a deeper analysis, it would be necessary to create more subcategories.


* Afterlife in One-GOD-Universes: *

In the One-GOD-Universes a unique and personal GOD exists, like in the Christian or Mohammedan or Jewish religions (including other variations of one GOD belief systems too).

How high is the possibility for an afterlife in an One-GOD-Universe? I assure you, the possibility is really very high. One important consideration is, that when a GOD has created us, he very likely created us not only for a short time period, like our life on earth. Because a GOD is an all-powerful being and has a mind of infinite wisdom. He isn't like a little child building sand castles in a sandbox in one moment and in the next moment destroying them again. This is worthless work, and GOD is wise enough not to work in vain or just for a senseless and childish joy to destroy his work again. And I wouldn't call such an unwise being a GOD. If a GOD has created us, then we are created for an infinite existence and we have an afterlife. As you see, the question: 'Is there an afterlife?', is very connected to the question: 'Is there a GOD?', (and this question I don't try to answer here, because my main topic in this article is afterlife), and in what kind of universe we really live in.


How long could we survive in a One-GOD-Universe?

In this kind of universe our bodies die but our souls survive. We live on as ghosts with intact and distinguished personality in a hereafter. Our personal and impersonal parts survive. Depending on the religion or on what universe we really live in, all people will survive as different kinds of ghosts, like angels or demons. The period of time we will survive is very probably infinite. Our infinite life may range from infinite happy life in heaven to infinite unlucky and painful life in hell.


* Afterlife in Varied-Higher-Being-Universes: *

To the Varied-Higher-Being-Universes, which should be separated in many subcategories, belong many faith variations. We will only deal with the important ones for our cause like Buddhism, Hinduism, and the ancient Greek Pantheon.


Afterlife in a Buddhist-Universe:

Buddhists don't believe in a God but in Buddha, because Buddha is considered a God like higher being. (The Buddhists pray to Buddha in a quite similar way other religious people pray to God). In this kind of universe we reincarnate till we reach nirvana and free us from all illusions, or we reincarnate for ever and stay for ever in the world of illusions. Our existence continues as well but different to the existence in the One-GOD-Universes. According to Buddhism the personal parts don't survive, but a more impersonal essence of our being. But in my view and the view of our group the possibility exists that personal parts could survive as well (see our article about reincarnation.)


How long could we survive in a Buddhist-Universe?

If one reaches the state of nirvana he has freed himself from all illusions and is then enjoying that supernatural state for ever. In this case infinite happy life, but with the possibility that only the impersonal parts survived and not the personal parts as well. If someone cannot reach nirvana, there is only limited life possible within the cycle of reincarnation till the end of earth comes, because then there is no reincarnation possible anymore on earth. (This is a fact many Buddhists don't consider: What happens with all those who couldn't reach nirvana before the end of earth comes?). The main difference of the life within the circle of reincarnation in comparison to the life in the state of nirvana is, that you have to suffer a lot, and you don't live for ever (because of the end of earth).


Afterlife in a Hindu-Universe:

Hinduism is in reality a mixture of different faith variations based on the Vedas and Upanishads and it's a polytheistic religion. (They pray to many different Gods.) There are different views which tend sometimes more in direction to Buddhism, sometimes also a little bit in direction to Christianity. The core belief is reincarnation and Brahman. The impersonal parts or self (atman) has to reincarnate till it has paid all karmic debt and is united with the impersonal Brahman, the source of all which exists. You have to conduct voyages through different spiritual states to reach Brahman and merge your impersonal parts with this impersonal universal being, and only then you are liberated from the reincarnation cycle. Sometimes you get guidance by avatars (God-men) during these voyages. These avatars descend from higher planes to lower planes or to the earth plane to help people. We have an afterlife within the reincarnation cycle or united with Brahman, but according to Hinduism, only the impersonal self reincarnates and merges with Brahman. As mentioned in the Buddhist section, in my view and the view of our group the possibility yet exists that personal parts could survive as well (see our article about reincarnation.)


How long could we survive in a Hindu-Universe?

When one reaches the union with Brahman he has liberated himself from all personality, the illusions of lower realities and the compulsion to reincarnate. He is in a blessed state of union with Brahman forever. But also in this case the possibility exists, that only the impersonal parts survived the union with Brahman and the personal parts didn't make it. If someone cannot reach the fusion with Brahman, life will last within the cycle of reincarnation till the end of a cosmic cycle, or till the end of earth, depending on which one comes first. The end of a cosmic cycle forces every living thing to return to an original state (there are many unanswered questions about these cycles). The end of earth ends the reincarnation possibility. Without the fusion with Brahman there isn't any infinite life. But after you reached the unity with Brahman your impersonal self will probably live forever.


Afterlife in an ancient Greek-Pantheon-Universe:

I mention here the ancient Greek Platonism reincarnation faith system, which teaches that celestial souls had fallen from a heavenly level down to earth, and the Greek Mythology from bygone times, which I have chosen as another example for a polytheistic religion. The Greeks believed in their Pantheon, which was populated by a lot of Gods like Zeus, the Godfather, Hera his wife, Apollo, God of wisdom, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and many more. As you see the Greeks believed in many Gods who interacted often with human beings. Surprisingly Gods had affairs with human beings, too. One special interesting part was, that you could rise from a simple mortal human being to the level of a Half-God, if you could win the favor of the Gods. As example serves Hercules and his heroic deeds. In that way you could win immortality.

How long could we survive in an ancient Greek-Pantheon-Universe?

In special cases, if you gained the favor of the GOD's you could become an immortal being and live for ever a happy life. Otherwise there was the possibility of an infinite unlucky life in Hades, though the infinity of this sort of life isn't confirmed enough.

In the Greek Platonism faith system you returned after a limited time of reincarnations to the original heavenly level, where you lived forever. Infinite life was also possible in this faith system, when you returned to the original heavenly state. Because there is only a more limited number of reincarnations necessary, all souls should be able to return to the original heavenly state before the end of earth comes.


** Afterlife in other universes: **

There are other possible universes conceivable and depending on how these universes are constructed, we could have an afterlife unlimited or limited in many different ways. For example, an universe built in a way that only a part of mankind could live forever, or an universe where immortality exists on earth (like the Highlander universe). And if earth exists forever your life would be infinite. You can use your own fantasy to speculate about other types of universes and the form of infinite life.


++ Overall view about afterlife: ++

All main religions believe in an afterlife. From their view it is sure that we survive our earthly death. From the esoteric and some philosophical standpoints afterlife exists, too. There are different beliefs about afterlife: Either we reincarnate or we live on in a hereafter or a combination of both main types. The important fact is, if we want to have an infinite and happy life we have to do something about it. We have to live according to the rules of the esoteric universes or the laws of a God or Gods. If we don't, we have probably only a limited time span to live or we have a painful infinite life.


+ Is there proof for an afterlife? +

Nonesoteric, nonreligious people say there is no proof because nobody ever came back from death and I have had endless discussions with them about this topic. If you' re an esoteric fan or a religious person you have very likely experienced the same thing.


General proofs:

I think there are enough proofs or hints, at least for the open minded. Many unexplainable ghost apparitions, throughout the whole history of mankind and all over the world, proves that the dead sometimes are coming back, even though in another form. Unexplainable reincarnation experiences prove, at least partly, that reincarnation very likely exists, too. Modern experiment results strongly suggest that an afterlife exists. If you cannot accept these cases as absolute proof, you should at least consider them as hints, that afterlife could exist, hints you really can't ignore if you want to be objective. (In the case you don't want to believe, you can simply deny all supernatural things and the esoteric nature of the universe forever.)


Personal proofs:

Whether somebody believes in an afterlife or not, has to do with the person's own esoteric level and its own experiences. It is certain that personal proofs exist. Many esoteric, spiritual or religious people, sometimes even atheistic people, have made their own special experiences, bigger and smaller ones, which proved themselves the existence of things beyond our imagination.


+ Can I personally get proof for the existence of an afterlife? +

If you should happen to have supersensory experiences, you got a proof. It can occur to all people, but mostly it happens unexpected. Sometimes the normal consciousness will not accept such experiences and denies everything. Then you should search for esoteric or religious help.

Another important possibility is, you start to develop your soul according to the rules of an esoteric, spiritual or religious path, and with time passing you will have convincing enough experiences. It will not happen at once and can take a long time and a lot of patience, but these kind of experiences will come, I assure you.


**** Our group view of an afterlife: ****

We are convinced there is an afterlife. Our researches and our own experiences with mediums and ghosts have convinced us that an afterlife exists in one form or another.

In our view the following possibilities are the ones with the highest probability: First, a universe were we reincarnate and personal parts survive unconsciously as long as we reincarnate. At the moment we die, we reincarnate immediately without any state between. If we enter the state of nirvana, we stop to reincarnate and enjoy this new kind of supernatural life.

Second, like above, but between the reincarnations we live in a kind of intermediate stage in a hereafter, because there seems to be a clear evidence for the existence of ghosts. What might happen in the intermediate stage in the hereafter would be part of another article. Tibetan Buddhism is an example for this second type.

Third, a universe where we die and stay in the hereafter, but have the possibility to reincarnate, if we wish to do so. There are ways to progress without reincarnation. You can choose which way you want to go. Improvement would happen in connection with reincarnation or in another way. Progress solely in the hereafter without reincarnating is possible, too. This universe includes a combination of Buddhist and Christian elements.

At the moment our researches show that the third kind is the most likely, because we have quite convincing proof for ghost apparitions and reincarnation. We want to emphasize that in all three most likely types of universes, and in opposite to some religious faith systems, we think that personal parts survive, too.


* Where will I be after my death? *

Most likely, directly after your death, you will awaken in the Astral-Middle-Plane in the hereafter, which looks exactly like earth. This is the reason that many new ghosts think, they haven't really died, and don't understand their new situation. Be aware of this important fact.


* Types of hereafter: *

Two unanswered questions are: How does the whole hereafter look like? What types of hereafter are the most likely ones? We will try to discuss this topic about the possible structures of the hereafter in a later article.


* Will I see my loved ones again? *

Yes, you will see your loved ones in the hereafter again. Sometimes some of your loved ones will welcome you after your death. But this happens not always. With time passing you will meet all those people you loved or had a good relationship with. When you will meet them, depends on many factors. An important one is, do they go in the same direction , i.e. upwards or downwards in the hereafter or do they like to live in the same regions of the hereafter as you do. A second important factor is, how much you want to see them, how much you loved them, and how much they wish to see you. It can take from a few days to several years till you will meet them again. Other factors have to do with laws of the hereafter.


Our good advice:

We like to encourage you to believe in an afterlife. It is an important topic to believe in or to know of, because then you can handle your life on earth better. And how you live your life is very important, if one of the religious universes is the true one. In specific universes the way you live can decide if you gain immortality or not! Therefore if you wish to live forever, try to live a morally better life.

We recommend you to read some good books about the Near-Death experiences and the afterlife. One example: 'On Death and Dying' by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

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