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Introduction to this article:

We have written this article specially for people, who are interested in the truth about Jesus Christ, for people, who really want to know, who this very mysterious and miraculous man was, who lived 2000 years ago.

Nevertheless this article is interesting for Christians and non-Christians alike. For Christians, because what we will tell you here is, at least partly, quite different to the known beliefs of the most Christian churches and sects. And you will likely hear some new stuff.

For non-Christians it could be the first step to understand more about Jesus Christ and His true teachings. To hear the truth about Jesus Christ, for the first time, could perhaps generate new interest in this 2000 year old religion.

Additionally we added some sections, because of some statements made in the 'the DaVinci Code'-book. We titled our article in brackets the 'Anti-DaVinci Code', because what we wrote, is quite the opposite to some assumptions made in the 'DaVinci Code' book. Generally said, in many ways our article is a counterweight to secular writings like the DaVinci Code book.

Be aware, we don't claim, that we have complete historical proof, for what we wrote. We don't think. that this is possible after 2000 years. Our article is really not intended to be a scientific proof or writing, because it is not only based solely on historical documents and scriptures, but also on supernatural writings and research procedures.


Our task:

There are many different Christian confessions of faith and different opinions about Jesus Christ as a person. Also there are contradictory statements in the Bible itself. It's impossible that all stories, statements and opinions can be true. Only one story can be historically true. Only one chain of historically past events happened really. Only one description of Jesus Christ can be the right one.

Our self-given and very difficult task for this topic was to find the truth about Jesus Christ, who He was, what He did. There is a time span of 2000 years between today and the time, Jesus Christ lived. There is a huge amount of riddles about Jesus Christ and His life. There is also a huge amount of contradictions in historical and religious texts. Therefore for ourselves, this was the most difficult task, we ever tried to carry out and the most mysterious riddles (about a person) we ever tried to solve.


The truth or only our belief, that this is the truth?

Readers out there will likely ask this question. Is that, what we wrote, really the truth about Jesus Christ, or is it only what we believe in. You will likely think: 'The writers of this article can be as sure as they want, this doesn't mean, we people out there in the wide world have to be as sure as they are.' And you are right, you don't have to. If you believe what we wrote is the truth, or could be the truth, or is nonsense, that is completely your own decision (up to you).

We can only say, we did our best to provide you with the truth. Because it's a very important truth, a very important topic and your eternal life may depend on it. We searched for the truth for many decades, and we are very sure, that what we wrote, is the truth.


A sentence to our writing style:

If we write in our text: 'the truth is that and that", you may always add the words 'in our view'. We won't write it all the time.


The methods we generally used to find the truth?

We used scientific methods, as well as supernatural methods to find the truth in the Christian religion, with its many variations. Scientific methods can be important and useful in regard to history, to find the real historical events and facts, as far as documented. Because true religion is of supernatural origin, it needs also supernatural methods to find the truth in any religion. Therefore we used supernatural methods also.


On what is our research based?

We researched this topic very carefully and as wide as possible. To explain all our studies and conclusions would fill at least a thick book. Don't worry, we won't go in details in this article. We give you a simple overall view on our research, and therefore on what our article is based.

Our article is based first on historical documents from all main religions and side branches.

Second on texts written by holy men and women.

Third on medial information of high level mediums and prophets from the last 2000 years, who received texts from GOD or angels or advanced souls.

Fourth on our own huge knowledge about religions and mysticism, collected over decades of intensive studies.

Fifth on historical work of various historians.

Sixth on texts written by other authors about Christian topics.

Seventh by direct revelations given to some members of our group from GOD.


Did Jesus Christ exist as a historical person?

This is a question handled already by many religious and non-religious people and historians. There are no historical documents known from Jesus Christ Himself (for example: nothing written by Himself). That does not mean that they did not exist. They could have got lost over the times.

There are authentic historical documents about Jesus Christ though. But not many. Except for the texts in the Bible and apocryphis and some sometimes questionable documents about the crucifixion, there are only three well known historical texts. The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus mentions Jesus twice in his writings. The Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus mentions Jesus Christ only in one sentence. Sueton, biograph of Caesar, mentions him in a historical context in regard to an unrest in Rome. It is not much, but at least some proof that a person named Jesus Christ existed historically and lived 2000 years ago.

Independent of historical proof, we dare to say simple, it is sure that a person named Jesus Christ must have lived about 2000 years ago in Galilee. His influence on religious history is indisputable and therefore His existence is indirectly proven too.


Who was Jesus Christ?

This is another very important question. To answer this question is much more difficult then to answer the one before about His existence. The main choices, which we have considered, are:


From a scientific point of view, all eight choices could be true. Therefore we examined all possibilities carefully, using our knowledge about all world religions. Some choices were more easier to eliminate than others. Some choices were really difficult to reject and gave us some headache. The last three points left were points 6 till 8, as the most likely ones to be true. And this was the very big challenge, to decide between these three choices. The result of our endeavors next.


Introduction to the truth about Jesus Christ:

First you may ask: "There are so many different Christian teachings around, why adding another one?" The answer to this question is: We don't think, that we added a new belief to the many Christian ones, rather we think, we discovered the truth about Jesus Christ and His original teachings, which were lost over the past twenty centuries. And this original teachings could maybe unite Christianity. What we had to do was like a cleaning job too: Sweep away the nonsense and untruth, which had accumulated over the past 2000 years, from the written records, and make the real truth shine.

What we tell you now, is the most important point of the whole article. Many other important or interesting points depend on the understanding, who Jesus Christ really was. It is important to the whole construction of what we call the 'True Eternal Christian' religion, founded 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ.

Be aware, that the whole topic has to do with supernatural, miraculous events, which are connected to mysterious developments within GOD and His infinite creation on a very complex, deep and mystical level. Created beings like us will never understand it completely. Therefore we cannot give you all the answers to all the questions you may possibly have.

What we can explain you here, is only the surface of the whole thing. We could write some hundred pages more about it, and still it would be only the surface. Therefore this article is more like an introduction, than a complete analysis of the topic. But we can assure you, we will give you a good idea about what really happened 2000 years ago and about the points, which are important for you to know.


The truth about Jesus Christ:

The truth about the miraculous and mysterious person Jesus Christ is: Jesus Christ was GOD Himself incarnating as a human being. Taking on the complete human nature. That means GOD built Himself a material, physical body in the womb of His mother Mary, with the intention to be born after nine month as a normal human being. In a way, GOD created a human image of Himself and called this materialized image of Himself the Son of GOD. Jesus Christ was therefore GOD wrapped in a human form.


The reasons why GOD descended to earth:

We will tell you only the three most important reasons:

* The first and most important one was, to rescue mankind from darkness, from the hand of the devil, from their own evilness and blindness. And lead mankind back to love, light, and truth. And finally restore the true dignity of man, and provide eternal life for all humans.

That you can understand this better, we will tell you a little story as an example:

A father and a little boy went to the shore of a deep lake to take his son to a boat tour. The little boy liked it a lot, when the father rowed him around the lake. The father always warned his son of the dangerous creatures roaming the water. And like many times before he said to his son: "Don't bow to much over the edge of the boat, there are dangerous creatures, who could catch you and pull you down into the deeps of the lake."

Most of the time the son behaved well. But one time the father fell asleep after a long rowing tour. The son looked over the edge of the boat. He saw a lot of different fishes swimming beneath him. After a while he got so fascinated with the different species of fishes and sea life, which he could observe, that he wanted to touch them. He bowed to much over the edge and got caught by one of the dangerous creatures. He lost his balance and felt into the deep water.

After the father awakened, he was frightened by the absence of his young son. He knew how dangerous the deep lake was. But out of love he put on his diving suit and jumped into the lake to rescue his son. He had to dive deep to find his son lifeless on the ground of the lake. He grabbed his son and tried to swim upwards.

But at this moment he got attacked by one of the dangerous creatures, and he had to led go of his son to defend himself. He succeeded to kill the monster fish after a terrifying fight. He grabbed again his son and swum upwards toward the boat. Luckily his son could be revived and the story had a happy ending.

This story has a profound sense and we will explain some of it here. You could replace in the above story the word 'son' with 'mankind', and the word 'father' with 'GOD'. GOD is like a father to the beings he created. GOD loves mankind like a father loves his son. Or expressed in individual view, GOD loves us like a father loves his sons and daughters.

The lake is corresponding to the darkness of the material world and the lake life corresponds to the many temptations in the world, which always try to lure human beings deeper into the darkness and wickedness.

Because mankind fell into the evil darkness, GOD out of love, came to rescue it. To do that, He had to create a material hull, a human being form, which we could see and hear and touch. This material hull corresponds to the diving suit in the story above.

For creating it, He impregnated Mary in a supernatural way. Mary was at that time a true virgin and was it after the impregnation still. There was no intercourse, nothing sexual ever happened. It was a pure miraculous, supernatural act of GOD. And what we told you now, is the truth about Virgin Mary, the Mother of GOD.

After GOD incarnated in the above described way, GOD could appear in human form, teaching us the true way to eternal life, and therefore rescuing us from darkness and eternal death. If GOD would not have come down to us, mankind would have vanished forever, fallen into eternal death.

Corresponding to the story above, the son would have drowned and died at the bottom of the lake, if his father had not dived down to rescue him.

In the material world, GOD had not only to come down to earth, He had also to live a full life, the way as all human beings do (see second reason also). Finally He had to die on the cross, suffering terrible pain. And after that, He had to rise from the dead, to prove to His apostles and other followers and all later human beings the truth of His teachings.

And for those people longing for an even deeper spiritual truth, here it is: By the means of descending to earth, living a poor and painful life, and ascending again to His own divine Height, GOD did not only save us, but changed the whole old creation into a new one too. To explain in detail, why He had to do that, would go to far. But be sure, it is a spiritual fact.

* The second reason, GOD incarnated as a human being, was to give us a perfect example of how to lead a good and spiritual life. Also difficult to understand, GOD as a human being was open to all temptations of the material world and from the devil, exactly the same way as all normal mortals are. This was possible because He was incarnated in a material body, which was influenced by all the same physical processes as our bodies are. Also the devil could tempt Him, because the material world is partly the reign of the devil.

GOD wanted to prove to all human beings, that a sin free life is possible, in spite of all temptations and difficulties of a normal human being's life. And He succeeded completely, not even committing a little tiny sin. He was the only human being ever, not stepping once over the laws of GOD. He was the obeying son, Adam should and could have been. (The 'Son of GOD' is in mythical texts often called the 'Second Adam' also).

Therefore GOD gave us, as Son of GOD, during His life on earth the perfect example how to live, how to be, and how to act completely conform with the Ten Commandments of GOD.

* The third reason: It was stated, nobody can see GOD and live. GOD as the infinite and eternal divine being, the first being of all beings, was invisible to all created beings.

After GOD had decided to rescue mankind, He also decided to create for Himself an appearance in the form of a human being, which could be seen by all created beings. Before GOD came down to earth, to rescue mankind from the darkness and eternal death, He was not visible to any material being, and also not to angels and ghosts, as a personal GOD in the form of a human being. GOD wanted to change that fact. He wanted to become a visible GOD in the form of a human being. The reason was, to become a visible and touchable GOD. This would help us, to understand GOD better, to communicate better with GOD, and we could love GOD, as a visible personal father, easier than in His invisible state.

Also GOD could guide and teach us in a more natural way, and could show us better His fatherly love for us. Therefore after His death on the cross and the three days in the grave, He changed His material body into an everlasting divine hull for Himself and ascended with it.


The miracles of Jesus Christ:

Another very interesting topic are the miracles of Jesus Christ. Did Jesus Christ make all the miracles described in the Bible? Did He resuscitate Lazarus from the dead? Did He awaken Himself from death and ascend to heaven?

We are convinced, all miracles described in the Bible really happened. If we counted correctly there were 16 healings, 3 resurrections of dead people, 3 exorcisms of evil demons, and 7 other miracles. Because He was GOD, it was easy for Him to work all those miracles. And not only did He work all the wonders described in the Bible, but He did much more miracles, more healings of sick people, more exorcisms of demons and other astonishing miracles of various kind. Some of those miracles are described in scriptures called the Apocryphis.

Some examples: He did many miracles already in His childhood, like transforming some birds made of clay into real birds, which flew away. He helped sometimes His family with miracles, if they were in trouble for different reasons. Once He rescued one of His brothers from a poisonous snake-bite. As He was twelve years old, He changed the ears of a temple priest named Midas, into donkey's ears (from there comes the expression 'He has Midas ears'). This last event happened during His three days stay in the temple of Jerusalem.

During His main teaching time (years 30 to 33), He did some astonishing miracles, you likely never heard about. One we will tell you. He took the whole sea water of the Mediterranean sea out of its sea bed (including all sea life in it) and formed it into an incredible huge water ball. Then He let this water ball hover for a while above the sea bed. During this period He ordered different kind of sea life to swim to the place where He and His apostles and other disciples were standing and explained them many secrets of sea life and life itself. After that He put the sea water back into its sea bed.

At other times He let His apostles fly through the air to places He wanted them to be. Or they walked as fast as the wind through regions of land.

Some other great known miracles were: The awakening of Lazarus from the dead, after Lazarus body had already started to rot and stink terrible. The feeding of 4000-5000 people, with an enchanting creation of bread and fishes, out of thin air. The walking on water of Jesus Christ.

And finally after He died on the cross, He rose from the dead after three days. The most impressive and important miracle of all, overcoming death. After His own supernatural resurrection He first showed Himself to Mary Magdalene and later to His apostles and some other followers too. He gave them a final proof for the truth of all His teachings and confirm their faith.

Many of our critical readers will likely think (especially in this extreme material time), that's all impossible. But we say: It is possible and it shows simply the power of GOD. GOD is almighty and can do, whatever we may think is impossible.


Proof for the reality of Jesus Christ's miracles:

There is except of the written descriptions no historical proof, except maybe the burial Linen of Turin, which could be proof of Jesus Christ's resurrection. (This is a topic of itself, and maybe we will write later an article about the Linen of Turin too).

But we think that there is an indirect proof for the reality of all miracles of Jesus Christ. Because without all those wonders Christianity would never have survived in such a hostile environment, which existed at that time 2000 years ago in Palestine and later within the Roman Empire. Christianity would never have grown into a world religion, if the people who lived there, would not have gotten very impressed by the miracles caused by Jesus Christ. Without such a big impression and therefore very strong faith in Jesus Christ, the followers would never have gotten the strength to overcome all the dangers, pursuits and obstacles to survive in a hostile environment and to successfully build up a new religion.

Here a few known facts: One big first hindrance was, that the established Jewish temple priests were very hostile to Jesus Christ (responsible mainly for His crucifixion) and His sometimes new, somewhat different teachings and His open criticism of the temple and its inhabitants. They tried very hard to suppress the spreading of a new religion and the growth and rise of His followers, because the feared for their own bed and breakfast, if the people would follow Jesus Christ and not their traditional teachings.

Then later on, there were some grave difficulties and dangers with the established Roman beliefs and priests and the Roman emperor Nero, which the early Christians had to overcome, (Pursuit of Christians and The Burning of Rome).

At least for us, that the teachings of Jesus Christ and Christianity survived (in what state however), is a sign, that some very impressive events must have happened 2000 years ago: namely the very astonishing miracles of Jesus Christ.

And this 'proves' that JESUS CHRIST was GOD Himself. Never a normal human being could create so many and astonishing miracles.


The suffering of Jesus Christ:

Now you will likely think, you know all about the suffering of Jesus Christ, specially if you have seen Mel Gibson's Movie 'the Passion of the Christ'. You will likely think that He suffered only at the cross and during His captivity by the Romans.

Again we will tell you something new. When did the suffering of GOD in His human being form start? (Do you have any idea? You will never guess it right. We will have to tell you).

The suffering of GOD for us people started right after about three months, into the pregnancy of Mary the mother of God, (this is an estimation, it could have been also a little bit earlier or later). The reason is, that the spirit of GOD settled within the embryo at about this time. But contrary to us, GOD was not an unconscious embryo as we were. He was conscious during the rest of the pregnancy of Mary, imprisoned in the womb of His mother. He had to live conscious in darkness and barely able to move.

It already would be for us a disagreeable state, let alone for GOD Himself. Also He was aware of everything that happened around Him and the problems Mary had to face during her pregnancy and so on. This was the first suffering of GOD for us.

Shortly after His birth the Holy family had to flee to Egypt, because of the evil Herodes. This trip was full of dangers and very uncomfortable. He suffered a lot as a newborn child by very poor conditions and terrible situations He had to experience. Always aware of the anxieties and sorrows of His mother and His stepfather Joseph.

Then the first assassination attempt happened as He was seven years old, conducted by an envious neighbor and his son. Many assassination attempts were later made during His whole life, which caused suffering too.

Another important part of His suffering was not only physical but emotional too. He saw all the evilness and godlessness around Him and felt pity for those human beings so deeply sunken into the darkness, and inhumanity. He knew best the following terrible consequences for those people, who He could not convert, and that fact made Him emotionally suffer.

Also He suffered a lot by the hostility against Him, specially by the temple priests, which saddened Him deeply.

Then He had also to fight all the temptations, the devil and its demonic servants threw against him. The devil tried to prevent His mankind-rescue- mission at all cost. Therefore He was more tempted than an average people to commit sins. This fact put an additional constant strain upon His whole life as a human being.

And at the end of His life the betrayal of His apostle Judas was hurtful, nevertheless He had foreseen it.

Generally said, He suffered a lot during His whole life, not only physically, but also emotionally. And in a total view, He likely suffered more then any human being ever had suffered.

A final word about the suffering on the cross. If He was GOD Himself, did He really suffer pain at the cross? He could create a miracle for Himself and render Himself painless.

As far as we understand, He suffered really all the agony such a horrifying act would cause. He had to suffer all the pain to rescue us from eternal death and infinite darkness. and to open up the way to eternal life.

He had to pay the price for all of our sins. Without suffering there would be no merit, no redemption of mankind. Therefore He really suffered terrible agony hanging on that famous cross, again physical and emotionally.

And despite His incredible pain He forgave His torturers!. This proved His incredible love to us human beings.


The true teachings of Jesus Christ about the Holy Trinity:

This is a very important point to understand. Jesus Christ's true teachings are opposite to the teachings of the catholic church and other Christian confessions, which preach a Three-Person-GOD or lecture about three GODs, which are like one.

Jesus Christ taught that there is only One GOD, which has three main characteristics, which are called The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Also you can name these characteristics: The Love of GOD, The Wisdom of GOD, and the Will or the Omnipotence of GOD, which are completely corresponding to the above three parts of the Holy Trinity.

GOD with His love to us (created beings), loves us like a father loves His own children. GOD with His wisdom rescued us from eternal death and guides us to eternal live. GOD with His Omnipotence rules the universe and the hereafter, and protects the good ghosts from the bad ones within the higher spheres of the hereafter.

If you can think logically, it is much more logical (than the traditional teachings), that there is only One GOD with three main characteristics, then a God consisting of two different persons and an unfathomable Spirit, or kind of three Gods (persons) being like one.


The truth about Mary Magdalene:

Because of what was written in the DaVinci Code book about Mary Magdalene and her intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, we will reveal to you our research results about this case.

The background story of the DaVinci Code book asserts, that Jesus Christ had a personal relationship with Mary Magdalene and fathered with her a female child named Sarah. After the death of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene fled to France and gave birth to her daughter.

Now the whole topic is centuries old. Already in the second century AD, the apocryphis Philippus Gospel calls Mary Magdalene a companion of Jesus Christ. After that there were many speculations about this companionship of Mary Magdalene and how far it has gone. The theory of her flight to France likely is rooted about in the 12. century AD.

What do we believe in the case of Mary Magdalene. Did she have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, or even did she have a child from Jesus Christ?

We are convinced, nothing is further from the truth. There is no historical proof of any kind, that Jesus Christ fathered a child with Mary Magdalene. From that point alone, the rumors are wrong.

Here comes the truth: The truth about the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ is, that there was platonic, pure love at work, in different form, but there was never any sexual relationship!

We explain that a little bit more in detail next: Mary Magdalene' s profession was that of a whore. In reality she was more a whore for the rich men, a luxury, deluxe whore, only serving the upper classes of her time. But after she had once encountered Jesus Christ and was set free from seven demons by Him, she converted, believed in His divine teachings and changed her life and behavior for the better.

If there was a human kind of relationship in personal form, it was a one way relationship. Because Mary Magdalene fell deeply in love with Jesus Christ as a man. Jesus Christ was a really good looking man. Therefore it was nothing special in that fact, that she fell in love with Him, like some other women of that time did too. But probably none as deeply as her.

She did not really understand, that He was GOD in human form, more considering him as a prophet or Son of GOD. Therefore she simply fell in love with Him like with a normal man.

Jesus Christ, as incarnated GOD regarded her in the same way, as He regarded all other people. Namely as a someone to be rescued from the darkness and wickedness. Because she believed in His teachings, He regarded her as a disciple and a female follower also. And from His GOD-part He loved her as a father loves his daughter. And as Son of God, this means considering His human being part, He loved her like a brother loves his sister, both in a platonic way.

Because Jesus Christ, had to be the perfect example for all of mankind, He never had an intimate relationship with Mary Magdalene. He would have failed His mission to rescue mankind completely. Also it would have nullified His sacrifice at the cross, because He would have been a sinner. Therefore, we emphasize that, Jesus Christ had never a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene or with any other woman of His time. Therefore He never fathered a child with Mary Magdalene or with any other woman, and never fell in love with any other woman also.

Did Mary Magdalene fled to South-France after the death of Jesus Christ? There is no historical proof that she fled at all. It is rather a legend, which originated later in time (likely between 11. and 12 century AD). The same is valid for the Assumption of hers. We are quite, but not completely sure, that she lived and died in Galilee or neighboring regions.


The conspiracy theory of the catholic church about Mary Magdalene:

Was there a conspiracy, like that one described in the DaVinci Code book? Was there a conspiracy of the catholic church to hide the fact, that Jesus Christ had an intimate relationship with Mary Magdalene and fathered a child with her?

Till now, we could not find the truth based on historical proof alone. It is too difficult to find out, and to answer these questions precisely, you likely needed access to the hidden archives of the Vatican.

During our research about this topic, we did not find enough historical proof for a real centuries lasting conspiracy, nor did we find proof for the opposite, that there was absolutely none. Also we did not find any historical proof, that Jesus Christ fathered a child with Mary Magdalene.

The only thing we can tell you is, that the first rumors about a relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ go back till about the second century AD. Since then there were various speculations about this topic throughout the following centuries.

If the catholic church saw a real danger for the Holiness of Jesus Christ and for itself, because of those rumors, it likely tried to suppress them. Maybe at some period of time it did, maybe at some period of time it did not. Only the catholic church itself knows the truth.

From the view of the religious truth, as we explained above, Jesus Christ was a man, completely free of any sin, and had no sexual or whatever personal relationship with Mary Magdalene or someone else. Therefore no possible historical proof can really exist, which could have been hidden by the catholic church. How hiding something that does not exists?


A final Word:

We know, that we could not answer all the questions, you may possible have about Jesus Christ and related topics, but we hope, we could at least answer the most important ones. Also we hope, that this article helps all people, who are interested in finding the truth about Jesus Christ and His Holy life.


Our good advice:

The most important thing we can say about truth, spiritually expressed and generally is: That you have to find the truth within yourself. Therefore search within yourself.

And please be aware of what GOD did for you, how much He suffered, to save your soul from darkness and eternal death.

Love GOD JESUS CHRIST above all things, and love all other people more than yourself !!!

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