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What does the term 'The End of the world' mean:

We explain shortly for non-religious people what this expression means: It means that the almighty God will punish mankind for all the wrong doings, for all the sins and for all the bloodshed of the innocents. As a religious term it means the so-called Last Judgment. But it doesn't mean the end of the planet earth.


The two main ways the End of the world might occur:

In the past there was only one way the End of the world could happen. The religious way in connection with the Last Judgment. But nowadays we have an independently second way by environmental destruction or by destruction caused by modern weapon arsenals and war. In this article we will consider both possible ways.


The End of the world by non-religious causes:

There are two main possibilities for the end of mankind by non-religious, man-made causes: by a world war or by pollution and destruction of the whole biosphere of the earth. Both possibilities are very complex and we only scratch the surface and give a very simplified and short view of the problems mankind faces today and in the near future. In that way at least you get an idea how dangerous the situation really is.


The End of the world by a world war:

Currently the End of the world can really come without any intervention of a God. It could have already happened during the time of the cold war by the use of nuclear weapons or by other weapons of mass destruction in a war against communism. In political view this danger is now seemingly less a threat because the fall of the former Soviet Union. Nevertheless in the view of some prophecy experts there is still a possibility of events which could lead to a world wide war. Besides, the danger of somebody accidentally firing some rockets still exists.

With the actions of the fanatic Islamic terrorists and now with the severe crisis in the Middle East, the likely war against Iraq, the dangerous situation in North Korea, there could be a development of events which could send the world in a falling spiral of economic instability, turmoil, chaos and destruction.

It is important to consider, that these kind of terrorists are not only a threat to the political landscape but to the religious ones too, like Buddhism (destruction of Buddhist statues), Hinduism and Christianity.


When could the world and/or mankind end by a world war?

Without considering prophecies this is always possible by overpopulation and different political views and interests. There are less dangerous times and more critical ones. Wrong and thoughtless decisions in critical times can fast lead to disaster. If the end of mankind will not come by natural causes, we are quite certain it will come by a new world war, initiated by shortages of resources, and wrong, egotistic and thoughtless decisions and different political views. To estimate a time without considering prophecies is difficult. But we think within the next 60 years it will happen. And in contrast to the religious End of the world it could lead to the end of the planet earth!


The End of the world by environmental disasters:

There are many environmental concerns. As dangerous as a world war, is the worldwide pollution today, killing already many thousands a year worldwide. The destruction of the ozone layer and the continuing poisoning of the oceans and the soils will lead to the dying of all microorganisms, then plants and animals. The food chain will be disrupted till there is not enough food for humans to eat. The global greenhouse effect causes dramatic changes in climates around the world. In combination with pollution there can be water shortages, famines, relocations of huge groups of people like evacuations of coastal cities because rising sea levels. These events therefore could lead in later times to wars which will erupt for gaining main resources, like water, food, living space and oil. A new dangerous development is the engineering of genetic modified plants and animals, which can have unforeseen and very dangerous side-effects, e.g. destruction of normal crops or normal food forever or causing new and serious illnesses.


When could the End of the world and/or mankind come by natural causes:

This is only an estimation. It depends on the pace of the destruction of nature and how nature reacts. Because earth and it's biosphere is a highly complex interrelated net system, it can drift into chaos faster than expected or predicted, faster if nature reacts more chaotic and slower if nature reacts more gradually. Therefore we estimate that it could happen between 20 and 50 years in the future, that means between 2020 and 2050 the end of mankind could come by the complete destruction of nature and all food chains. Catastrophes caused by pollution, the destruction of the ozone layer, the elimination of the food chains and thoughtless scientific manipulation of highly complex natural systems will then definitely lead to the end of mankind.


Can the End of the world by natural causes (pollution/world war) be prevented?

We are not sure if it isn't already too late. But if it were still possible we should start now. We think only as an united effort of the whole mankind it could be prevented. Consider this fact, that spending now money to stop global warming and develop more environmental friendly techniques will cost much less than to pay later for the consequences. For example moving whole factories or whole cities from coastlines to safer places. Huge cleaning processes (if possible at all) for the very damaged atmosphere, soils and oceans will cost a lot more than to prevent this kind of pollution, too. Specially the western hemisphere, Europe and North America, the rich countries have to do more to protect the environment. We have to come down from our energy wasting habits, we have to live more modest. A change of thinking, to make us aware of our responsibility for future generations is necessary, too. Because of our super-egotistic attitude the future generations will have no big chance to survive or can only survive in very dangerous environments. Perhaps they will need protection suits to leave their homes and oxygen masks to breathe. Sun would burn them to death if they wouldn't wear a protection suit. Air wouldn't have enough oxygen to breathe. Our children and grandchildren will hate us for what we left to them, and maybe they will seek revenge in the hereafter for what they had to suffer during their painful and terrible lives on earth.

Preventing disasters caused by environmental destruction or a world war is only possible by changing our life style to a much more religious one, which will bring peace and justice and a chance for a good life for all.

Survival of mankind is only possible if mankind changes drastically its behavior. The clock is ticking and there may be only some seconds left till midnight.


The End of the world by religious causes:

Maybe you agree with us that natural causes can lead to the end of mankind in our time, maybe not. The religious causes have to do with faith and not all people believe in God or higher beings. For non-believers these causes are ridiculous or simple plain stupid, but for believers of great importance.

If non-believers read further, they have a chance again to learn more about the consequences, which all their sinful actions, that they are committing daily, will certain have in a universe in which a God exists, and they can maybe save their souls before it is too late.

Believers can get another idea what will likely happen in one or the other way. Additionally they may get an idea how to prepare themselves for what will come, in case they are not certain what to do in the worst of all times.

Why the End of the world will come:

The reason why it will come is that we are not living according to the esoteric rules of the universe or the religious laws given to us by God. In Christian terms expressed the Last Judgment will come because our violations of the ten commandments and the two rules: Love God above all and your neighbour like yourself.

If the amount of violations exceeds God's tolerance, the Last Judgment will happen. God has created earth for many generations yet to come not only for our generation. We should be protectors of earth and take care of nature and not destroy it. Nevertheless God has given us a free will, we shouldn't abuse it so much that a cleansing of earth has to be necessary.

All the non religious causes, which could lead to the end of mankind, are connected to the End of the world in a religious view, because they are severe violations of the Ten Commandments of God. Our selfish ways are self destructive in a way that finally earth itself would be destroyed or made absolutely inhabitable for future generations of human beings. In consequence God has to clean the world to make it again habitable for human beings and for a flourishing and diverse fauna and flora. The almighty God has to prevent this kind of complete destruction of earth and of humanity. The creation process has to go on to fulfill all the mysterious plans God has with earth and mankind. God himself predicted the coming of the Last Judgment, if mankind stays on the wrong path, and certainly He is not lying.

Short overview of worldwide warnings about the End of the world:

Not only the Christian religions warn of this kind of End of the world. The Aztec, the Maya, the native Indians, the east Indians (the end of Kali Yuga), have their predictions about the End of the world. Even the Great Pyramid's inner structure (passages and chambers) shows that the End of the world will come. Nearly in all great cultures there are hints to find about the End of the world (in legends, tales, religious books, buildings, prophecies, mystic and secret teachings).

According to the Mayan calendar the time of the end of its last cycle is interpreted to be equal the time of the End of the world. This would be about the 22. December 2012. Predictions of prophetic native Indians, which for example predicted the coming of nuclear bombs as upside down pumpkins, are also warning of terrible happenings and earth changes in our time. A special and more recent warning speaks from blood-red skies which will be a sign for the coming end.


Short overview of Christian warnings about the End of the world:

Much better known to Christians are the warnings you can find in the Old Testament. Warnings, given by prophets of God in the Old Testament, describe often in mystical words the coming of the last time and the destruction of the worldwide Sodom and Ghomorra (for example Abdias, Amos, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, Malachi, Sophonias, Zechariah, Zephaniah).

The Apostle John intensified warnings about the End of the world in the Apocalypse. The revelations of the Apostle John were written in a mystical tone not only describing natural happenings but also spiritual ones. It's written in a kind of picture-language and to understand it completely you need a illuminated mind. Without these high-level understanding you will only get a fragmented view of future events and about the time they will happen. Some hints were also given by Matthew and later Saints.

There is a scripture from the 13th century, called 'The nine rocks', written by a humble man, where God already warned the societies of that past time specially about their sins and their disobedience of God's laws. Probably it was an important time, where the decisions made could influence the next seven hundred years. Additionally he explained the way all human beings have to go to gain infinite life, and he explained the difficulties on this upward path and how Satan tries with innumerable tricks to prevent humans from getting immortal and enjoying an infinite happy life in the hereafter's heaven. Instead he tries to lure them into infinite death and a painful life in hell. Moreover, there were severe warnings to mankind to prevent that human beings had to suffer the bad consequences. Also Joachim von Fiori (died about 1205), an Italian abbot, made interesting predictions about the time before the Last Judgment and an eternal gospel which will be revealed to mankind at this time.

Afterwards in each century wise, holy and prophetic men and women arose to warn mankind to turn around from their bad ways and evil habits. The last two great examples were Emanuel Swedenborg (high-level seer, high-level astral-traveller, had conversations with ghosts and angels, lived in the 18th century) and Jacob Lorber (listener of God's voice and writing servant, writer of the eternal gospel, lived in the 19th century).

Further warnings were told by Apparitions of the Virgin Mary (the final warning, the final miracle, the Last Judgment), for example in La Salette (1846), Lourdes (1858), Fatima (1917), Garabandal (1961), and more recently in New York (Bayside warnings 1972) and Medjugorje (1981). Between 1900 and 2000 there were more than 400 Apparitions of the Virgin Mary worldwide (and as far away as in China).


Former Judgments as warning examples of what can happen if mankind is ignoring completely God's Laws:

One is known to Christians as the Flood. In this past time mankind was destroyed and only Noah and his family survived. At that time mankind was very sinful and disobeyed God's laws, too. The element of water was the cleansing main element used by God. Later in time two sinful cities named Sodom and Ghomorra were warned by Lot. They didn't heed the warnings and were destroyed. Jerusalem's population was warned by Jesus Christ and later destroyed by the Romans. This list goes on till today and should serve as an example about what can happen when mankind becomes too evil. To prevent the total spiritual destruction of mankind, the material destruction of all sinners has to take place.


Signs that the End of the world is near:

Fulfilled prophecies are such signs (for example from Nostradamus). Almost fulfilled ones like the St. Malachy popes prophecy. This prophecy foretold the personalities of 112 Catholic popes from the time of pope Celestino the second till the last pope at the End of time. Today only one pope is left (Gloria Olivae) before the last one will rule (Petrus Romanus). It is written that there will be signs at the sky and on earth, that the End of the world is near. Modern UFO sightings and the mysterious crop circles and other strange natural events (for example blood and living animals falling from the sky or recently 60 acres of a field covered by spider webs) may be such signs. Miracles and Apparitions of the Virgin Mary are signs too. And certainly the spiritually desolate condition of mankind is a big warning sign as are modern warnings by recent prophets and clairvoyants.

When will the End of the world be?

If people claim to know the exact date they are very likely in error. Only God himself knows the time when it will happen and the exact date is God's secret. But He gave us hints by prophecies, that we are able to estimate when the time is ripe for the Last Judgment.

The End of the world could have happened already before the year 2000, as predicted by many clairvoyants. It was a possibility, which fortunately didn't come true. Maybe the clairvoyants were all influenced by the beginning of a new millennium (the magical number 2000).

When the end will really come depends on the behavior of the whole mankind. According to other predictions of clairvoyants, who have seen the end after the year 2000, and prophecies of rather recent prophets, the End of the world will happen between 2000 and 2050.

Also complex calculations of biblical and prophesied dates, and the understanding of the inner sense of the Bible as well as other prophetic scriptures, show that the end will arrive latest around the year 2040. We personally think that it could happen between the years 2000 and 2030 most likely, and between the years 2030 and 2050 less likely. (If it doesn't hit our generation it could hit our beloved children. In that case you should make them aware what could await them.)


What will happen at the End of the world?

It isn't certain what exactly will happen at the End of the world and in which order. There are many predictions but some contradict each other.

We think it will likely start with a crisis or war in the Middle East (maybe already going on) and extends to a world war followed by Armageddon and huge catastrophes. At the end one third or two thirds or nine/tenth or nearly all human beings will be destroyed.

That you get a better idea, we present you here with an overview about what could happen according to prophecies:

The end will come in many forms and will have many faces of sheer terror. It will be the most terrifying thing that ever happened on earth. Millions will burn to death in seconds. Enormous natural catastrophes will happen like: Big earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, huge and dangerous forest fires, hailstones bigger than ostrich's eggs falling from the sky. Further occurrences will be: Famine, pests, war and probably nuclear warfare (maybe only limited), chemical and biological warfare (specially Europe might be hit by chemical weapons according to some prophecies). And many other calamities could surprise us like: Flooding of whole cities, flooding of whole coastlines, whole coastlines sinking into the sea, hurricanes destroying whole cities, hurricanes of fire and lightning, cities subsiding into earth caves, a pole shift, a staggering of earth, ruptures in the crust of earth. Even the length of a year and a day and the rotating direction of earth may change.

Other frightening prophecies predict following happenings:

There will be huge balls of lightning rolling across the earth's surface, destroying every life in their way.

There will be Islands sinking into the sea. Whole or half of continents will swallowed up by seawater.

Some new land will surface, maybe Atlantis resurfacing again, as predicted by Edgar Cayce and others.

Two comets hitting earth.

Mountains will disappear form the face of earth in minutes.

Huge parts of ice will separate from Antarctica's ice shield and melt fast.

Big darkness will be all around earth. The whole earth will be covered by dark clouds.


Fire as main cleansing element during the Last Judgment:

It is predicted that fire will be the cleansing main element, e.g. fire by volcanic eruptions and by nuclear war, which will generate some kind of atomic fire. This should happen only in the beginning and middle phase. In the end phase there will be fire from heaven additional, which will interrupt all wars on earth and will be the final punishment.

This fire could be caused by one or more comets hitting earth, by an enlargement of the sun, or by huge solar flares emitting from the sun and hitting and lighting earth. Or by a projectile from heaven, called the hound of Orion, which could be a lonely sun running through space and crossing near our solar system, causing an overheating of our atmosphere. And maybe because our atmosphere is so polluted by all the fumes and gases, that projectile from heaven will ignite it and burn all living creatures on earth.


Asteroids or comets as final punishment:

A special consideration on the topic that an asteroid might hit earth at the time of the Last Judgment. Some predictions tell about a projectile that will hit earth with devastating consequences. Likely it is an asteroid or comet. But some prophecies describe even more mysterious objects like a glowing object or a supernatural object, both bringing an end to mankind.

Generally an asteroid or comet can hit earth any time, even comets from outer space coming into our solar system, which are more difficult to detect.

Another possibility of trouble is a gigantic asteroid or comet hitting the moon and throwing it out of orbit, which in the worst case could cause the moon to fall on earth or maybe effect a shift of the earth's crust or a pole shift. As far as we remember there is only one prediction about a falling moon, but this might as well be a gigantic asteroid or comet just looking like a moon near earth.


Known dangers for the near future:

Some of the above described possibilities are known by astronomers. We could get hit by known asteroids or comets. One asteroid is heading towards earth and will maybe hit earth around the 1. Feb. 2019, another in the year 2026 or 2030. We are certain there are more asteroids which could hit earth within the next 40 years, but till now they are undiscovered.


Predictions about impact zones:

Some predictions about the location of the comet's or asteroid's impact zones. The quality of these predicitons is uncertain!

Possible Impact Zones: Central Atlantic, South Pacific, East Coast of America, West Coast of America, Argentina, Central Africa, East Europe, East Russia, South-West of China, Antarctic.

Three special prophecies:

There are three prophecies about very special events. We don't know if they will happen.

The first prophecy is about time itself. Time will be at a standstill for a moment. Every movement in the whole universe will stop and every life will freeze. This should happen when GOD intervenes at a specific time during the Last Judgment.

The second prophecy predicts that the sun would stop shining and a terrible darkness would wrap the whole world. A darkness never seen since the death of JESUS CHRIST.

The third prophecy warns that the walls between the hereafter and this life will break! Therefore ghosts could then be visible to us.


Enrapture true or not?

Will there be enraptured people? We personally think there will be no people enraptured. It would cause to much of a chaos, e.g. if drivers disappear from their running cars or pilots from their flying planes, etc. We don't exclude the possibility of enrapture completely, but it would probably only happen in the last phase of the Last Judgment. It's more likely that God will protect people, whom He wants to survive the last Judgment, in another miraculous way.


Can the Last Judgment be prevented?

There is a possibility, but only a very small one. The majority of mankind would have to start to lead a really spiritual life according to the ten commandments of God. This means a complete change in attitude and life style. And this change should happen fast. That would be difficult to achieve for everybody who is used to the opposite life style, i.e. is bad, godless, destructive, violent, egotistic, thoughtless and has a unhealthy life style. And the biggest part of mankind is nowadays fond of living this way.


Can the Last Judgment be prevented partly at least?

It may be possible, that some countries, which decided to turn around or a majority of people turned around, will not be destroyed completely like all the others. The more good people live in a country the less it will be punished during the Last Judgment.


How to protect yourself from getting destroyed by the End of the world events:

The main protection is to live or to start to live according to God's commandments. This may give you a chance to survive the End of the world and be a member of the new mankind. In case you will not survive the End of the world, you will have a good life in the hereafter. That is much more important than to survive on earth during the Last Judgment.

You should prepare yourself, as much as you can, psychologically and physically for these terrible ensuing events, which will come very likely in the near future.

Read books about End of the world topics to be prepared for the different possibilities. Search for information about predictions of the region you live in, there may be some around.

A good thing is to leave the big cities, because they will be all destroyed, more or less. Move to smaller settlements like country towns or villages. Or be prepared to leave big cities fast.

Predicted by many seers there will be three dark days as the last part of the Last Judgment. About twenty clairvoyants and prophets have seen this event in their visions. This is a really huge number for one event, and raises the probability for it to happen. During these three dark days don't leave your house or flat. Keep all windows and doors shut at all times. Don't look out the windows. Seal windows and doors against poisonous fumes. Only candles will spend light. There will be no electricity. Store food and water for at least seven days, better for 21 days. Buy a water filter and emergency packets.

There could be appearances of evil spirits trying to deceive you. For example they could appear in the form of a dead relative or imitate his voice, to lure you out of the house, where you would die. Pray to God for protection during the whole time of the Last Judgment, especially without interruption during the three dark days.


Will somebody be spared?

If somebody will be spared, it will be only the good ones. But not all good ones. God said that many good people will die too. This means some of the good people will die with the bad ones, and some will be chosen by God (it's not known how many) to survive the End of the world. If you are a good human being, be prepared for both possibilities, but don't be worried too much, if you aren't chosen by God to survive the End of the world, you will have a really good life in the hereafter.

All the bad ones will be gone for good. It may be that only one pair will survive like at the time of the Flood or some pairs of good human beings around the world or some small groups of religious and good human beings around the world. Maybe only in specific parts of the world. It's really not clear what will happen exactly. There even is a possibility that some people will be enraptured during the fire judgment and afterwards put back on earth.


What will happen after the End of the world?

There will be a new mankind living in a very peaceful period on earth. All races will be considered as equal. People will lead a more poor and modest life and in the first time without any technique. All evil spirits will be banished to underground regions and cannot roam freely anymore on the surface of earth. JESUS CHRIST will return to earth visible. People will be able to talk with angels. Some prophecies predict a change of our bodies, that means we will live longer after the Last Judgment.

Only in much later times, perhaps after 1000 years or more there could be a third downfall. It's not known much about this time, but it should never again become as bad as today.


Our good advice:

Be prepared for the possibility of the Last Judgment within the next 40 years. Try to live as good as possible according to the laws of God. It will be difficult in this godless time to live according to the laws of God and may cause many disadvantages and difficulties for your daily life, but consider that the reward for living good is high, it is an infinite, peaceful and happy life in the presence of God.

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