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As far as we know we are the first ones who researched this topic and this is the first article written about this special topic worldwide.

The chances are that you have never heard about Thumaninportals, the mysterious portals. They are a special topic connected to astral-projection (astral-body experiences) and the hereafter and rarely talked about with the exception of very few esoteric experts. Because these portals are mysterious we got interested in them and tried to research them as well as possible. We introduce this special topic to you with this short article.


What are these Thumaninportals?

These portals were discovered by astral-travelers and their existence were reported also by ghosts through mediums. They often look like huge gates and are joined on both sides to long pillars. They seem to be made of a kind of precious stone. Sometimes text is written in an unknown language on the surface of the gates and the pillars. You can find images drawn on them as well. Sometimes they are also surrounded by strange sculptures. Mostly they look like described above but their appearance may vary. For example, Thumaninportals were reported to be seen in the form of bigger doors made by unknown metals or gold.

The very important fact about them is: they are absolutely impenetrable. It's said, nobody can go through them who is not allowed to go through. Many tried, but they couldn't enter. Neither astral-travelers nor spirits.

On the other hand there are reports from ghosts who saw other ghosts enter through these portals, which shows that they are selective whom they let enter or don't. The interesting fact is there were no guards visible who opened the gates. It seems the Thumaninportals have an own selective mechanism or their guards are behind the closed portals or the guards themselves are invisible.


What is on the other side?

We don't know, because those who could penetrate them didn't tell or they never returned to tell. What is behind them? This big question stays unanswered. No mortal knows for sure the answer.


What is the purpose of these Thumaninportals?

One possible purpose is quite evident. They prevent access to whatever is behind them. They are borders which astral-travelers and ghosts aren't allowed to cross. We are quite sure this is valid for all astral-travelers, but not for every ghost.

If those Thumaninportals would have been reported impenetrable only from astral-travelers, who are still connected to their body, we would have had the explanation, that everything behind the portals were not for mortals. But ghosts reported to have had the same problems too.

In case these Thumaninportals don't have the purpose to serve as doors or borders we have no idea what they could be unless perhaps monuments.


What could be the real function of the Thumaninportals?

We are still researching this topic and only can offer you a few hypotheses about what could be the real function of the Thumaninportals and what could lie behind them.

There are only few types of ghosts who claim to know what is behind the Thumaninportals. They explain the portals are entrances to higher planes of the hereafter and only the spirits who are ready for those planes are allowed to enter them. Other ghosts teach that the portals separate different regions of the hereafter from each other and spirits, who don't belong in a region for various reasons, cannot enter it.

A different idea is that the portals could lead to other dimensions, or maybe they work like the hypothetical wormholes? Or they don't function as doors at all, nevertheless they look like doors or gates.


Request of astral-travelers

If you are a real astral-traveler, and you encountered Thumaninportals or similar portals, gates, doors or borders, we like to hear from you, because we are still researching this topic. Maybe we will publish your experiences on our site. Be aware that we are selective!


Our good advice

Because you probably will never encounter these Thumaninportals before you are dead, we can only give you an advice for your future when you are in the hereafter. Because we don't know much about the portals, the only good advice we can give you is: It's impossible to go through Thumaninportals if you aren't allowed to. Don't waste time trying.

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