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Esoteric and mind altering drugs:

This is a short and simplified, but important article about esoteric and mind altering drugs. Everyone interested in occult phenomena will take exception to this topic, especially in our drug depending society. Our two main topics here are: 1. Difference between true paranormal phenomena and experiences caused by mind altering drugs. 2. The dangers of using mind altering drugs generally and in some dark occult orientated esoteric communities.


Difference between esoteric phenomena and experiences caused by the use of mind altering drugs:

It often happens that if you talk about esoteric or religious topics, non esoteric people are asking you, if you are under influence of mind altering drugs, because experiences, like for example astral projection, are too strange for them. Many esoteric topics sound very unusual for them and sometimes similar to description they have heard from drug addicts. They assume that you have specific esoteric experiences, only because you are using mind altering drugs, and consequently deny the reality of supernatural phenomena. These non esoteric people are completely wrong in most cases, because there is a big difference between true supernatural experiences and experiences created by mind altering drugs. Actually it is impossible to experience most supernatural phenomena by using mind altering drugs. Using drugs would also absolutely prevent the arise of these supernatural phenomena. You can come in contact with other or higher realities because you have developed a higher kind of awareness. But if you take mind altering drugs, you are destroying your consciousness and make it impossible to reach higher realities than ours. You only enter the realms of hallucinations and dream worlds.

Exceptionally the non esoteric people are half right, namely in cases of dark esoteric paths or practices. Some people practice black magic, witchcraft or follow dark occult paths and are using mind altering drugs. Also shamans or medicinemen in more primitive cultures make use of them, for example to contact the spiritual world or conjuring up ghosts. But in all these cases the mind altering drugs are only an unhealthy and dangerous means to an end. They are means to reach the dark goals their users want to accomplish. The mind altering drugs don't create supernatural phenomena, but in limited cases they can trigger, in combination with dark practices, the occurrence of such dark phenomena, because they open a portal for bad forces to enter your disturbed mind more easily. They are dangerously and harmfully altering your normal brain functions and your normal consciousness. In opposite to what you may often hear, these drugs are not mind-expanding, they are mind-shrinking, mind-weakening, mind-destroying, and they make you only more vulnerable to the paranormal dark forces. (The contact with dark forces is wanted by dark occult practitioners, for example shamans or black magicians wishing to contact or conjuring up ghosts, and they often take the risks, because they wrongly think, that they are protected by their knowledge from too bad consequences. But in reality they are not good enough protected, and therefore are ending often tragically).


The danger for esoteric beginners experimenting with mind altering drugs:

It can happen that esoteric beginners may try drugs, because they are curious and lured into the harmful field of drugs by the mind-expanding lies. Sometimes these lies are told also by so-called teachers or gurus (in reality teachers of darkness only imitating true gurus), who prize mind altering drugs for opening the mind to other realities. And beginners, following any esoteric, spiritual or religious path, have often not the ability to clearly distinguish between truth and lies, good or bad teachers, dangerous or not dangerous practices, because they are lacking the necessary experience and knowledge.

One main reason to write this article was to prevent that any beginner follows these mind-expanding lies, and to make you aware of the great dangers of using mind altering drugs. For example many unexperienced people died in India's ashrams using drugs. We recommend that you never make experiments with drugs. It is far too dangerous and there are other and healthy ways to to learn about the esoteric side of the universe. In order to understand how dangerous experiments with mind altering drugs can be, we list some of the possible consequences including an important message from the hereafter by a channeling medium.


How mind altering drugs can harm you in physical and esoteric view:

Drugs have a harmful influence to your physical body, they ruin your health and specially your brain, and you can get crazy.

Psychologically they gravely change your personality within a short time. You will get more aggressive and all bad characteristics will grow.

Although dark occult practitioners are not always drug addicts, they often underestimate the addictive power of mind altering drugs, and in time they also get addicted to the drugs they use. Be aware of this addictive power of mind altering drugs. Also a one time trial can end in addiction.

Now, the esoteric consequences can be even worse. Generally mind altering drugs can harm your soul as well! Taking drugs can open you up to very bad influences from the hereafter, making you in a way quite attractive for evil forces. Because of this fact, it is much more likely that you get attacked or obsessed by evil forces. Drugs change all your mind functions and your whole consciousness and weakens it on all levels, which means you have less defence power against any attacks by black magicians or above mentioned evil ghosts.

There are some interesting messages from the hereafter about the bad consequences drug users or addicts have to suffer in the hereafter. All messages are serious warnings of the use of mind altering drugs. Some state that drug addicts suffer withdrawal symptoms in the hereafter too, and over a long time period. And we tell you about a very terrifying message: According to announcements of spirits from the world beyond, souls heavily damaged by mind altering drugs may need up to thousand years to heal! Be aware of the terrible, dramatic, esoteric consequences before you make any experiments with mind altering drugs!


Are mind altering drugs necessary to learn about the esoteric side of the universe?

Absolutely not. They are not helpful to learn anything worth about the esoteric side of the universe or other realities. All the knowledge and the abilities you need to experience esoteric higher realities or phenomena, you can learn in a safe and harmless way.

Drugs are rather like a prevention from learning about higher esoteric realities than a help (exception is if you want to learn eagerly about the dark and evil powers lurking in the paranormal), and a prevention from advancing on any white or bright esoteric, spiritual or religious path.


What recommend all really high developed Masters, Gurus or Adepts to their disciples:

All strictly forbid their disciples to use mind altering drugs and warn seriously from the bad consequences. (Additionally they warn of the dangers of alcohol and tobacco products too).

Take it as a main rule, really higher developed adepts, masters, gurus, never used or needed mind altering drugs. They never recommend the use of mind altering drugs, because there is absolutely no good reason or any real and valuable esoteric gain for the use of them. And using mind altering drugs is some of the most dangerous things you can do and it is absolutely self-destructive.



1. Supernatural experiences are fundamentally different from experiences caused by mind altering drugs. People never using any kind of mind altering drugs have experienced supernatural phenomena, which are very different in reality from those disturbing experiences evoked by mind altering drugs. (If there are some similarities, then they are only on the surface.)

2. People following dark occult paths may use mind altering drugs for reaching their dark and evil goals. They mostly succumb to the dark forces they try to handle or the addictive power of the drugs they use.

3. People following bright esoteric, spiritual or religious paths don't use mind altering drugs and don't need to use them. They use harmless practices (for example meditation) to reach their high and bright goals.

4. Generally the use of mind altering drugs is very dangerous with grave and terrible consequences on earth and in the hereafter.

5. Also the use of mind altering drugs in an experimental way is too dangerous, because of their addictive power.

6. Mind altering drugs are not mind-expanding, they are mind and soul destroying.

7. Highly developed esoteric teachers forbid their disciples the use of any kind of mind altering drugs.


Our good advice:

Never ever try or take any mind altering drugs (also not milder ones like for example ecstasy, etc). Believe it and you will have a good start and fast progress on any high aiming bright spiritual path.

We emphasize, drugs are not helping you in any way to learn something worthy about other realities. But they can harm you very much on all levels of your existence. Don't even take them once!

Do not follow so-called gurus (or shamans) who allow, recommend or force you to take any kind of mind altering drugs. Leave such gurus immediately and never return!

Do not follow any dark and evil esoteric or occult path. It is also very dangerous and the consequences are very severe.

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